Our Bloggoli... the Blog on Broccoli

As we at NV continue to bring you “all the news that’s fit to print” , here’s the latest from researchers on diabetes and diet.
We all know, whether we like it or not, that broccoli is good for us. I guess Mom was right.
Now comes a study linking the active compound in broccoli, sulphorane, to decreased HbA1c levels. Close control of blood sugar, best examined by A1c , is key in preventing the complications associated with DM.
Exercise, medications and good quality sleep are important, but the single most important part of the puzzle is, you guessed it, diet.
That’s why we seek out those shortcuts and “hacks” to get the most out of cutting edge science.
The bad news, is that it’s broccoli extract
That means that the regular variety is less effective, by far. More studies are necessary, naturally, but this looks like a winner. Additionally, sulphorane has been linked to increased protection from stomach and colorectal cancers.
Mild GI upset was reported, however, so be careful. The good news is, that there are many excellent, commercially available and inexpensive sources for this potentially important blood sugar balancing little miracle.
( Antioxidant in Broccoli May Help Fight Diabetes - Medscape - Jun 22, 2017.)
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