Here We Go Again
We’re all getting a little tired of being told one thing about eggs and then BOOM:
“Sorry, we were wrong”

The latest study out of Northwestern University in Chicago once again casts eggs as the bad guys in the great cholesterol wars.
To be more precise, it’s not the eggs themselves but rather the cholesterol in them that makes them suspect.
Here’s the rub-
Eggs are a great source of a host of necessary nutrients, as well as a cheap, delicious source of dietary protein.
They are long-lasting in the fridge and can be cooked a million ways.
How can we deny these oval goodies to the world without substantial research?
For us…. We can’t.
Not yet anyway.
We recall, along with you maybe, that it was just 2015 that eggs were taken off the dangerous foods list after an exhaustive series of studies.
Eggs were even allowed as a “no points” item on many diets, such as Weight Watchers.
Also, if your doctor is only looking at cholesterol on your blood panel, rather than the entire Lipid Panel… you need to find another more… ummm … modern doctor. Lipid panels have multiple important indices including HDL (high density lipoproteins), LDL (low density lipoproteins), VLDL (very low density lipoproteins (The really bad guys), triglycerides and cholesterol.
Confused yet?
Most folks are, so don’t fret.
Doctors, especially cardiologists, are well trained in figuring out this knotty problem and suggesting made to order treatment plans. These might include exercise, weight loss, medication such as statins, and naturally… dietary changes .
Eggs aren’t alone in providing our bodies with the cholesterol we need.
Yep, you heard right.
We need cholesterol as it is one of the makings of every cell wall in our body.
Lose it all (unlikely scenario) and we’d be toast…. minus the butter, of course.

Keeping eggs to one per day or seven per week is prudent.
Eat a healthy plant based diet as much as practical.
Get plenty of exercise. Take your medications as directed..
And wait, because eggs are likely going to be taken off the prohibited list… again.
Yours In Health,
Your Friends at NeuraVite