Every Little Bit Helps
Some good news today… I’m sure we can all use some, right?

A new study out of the New York Academy of Sciences places Benfotiamine (B1, semi-synthetic) as a likely aid in our collective battle against Alzheimer’s and age-related dementia.
This is a very reliable study… unlike some… that qualifies as Level 1 - the most stringent criteria are used in these types of studies.
The researchers looked at the metabolism of Thiamine, that’s regular B1 that we all get from a host of foods, as it affected brain function and the loss of cognitive abilities over time.
They measured the cognitive function of folks given extra Benfotiamine against a placebo group over time, using difficult mental tasks and such.
The B1 group lost much less function than the control group.
The use of Benfotiamine is important here as it is NOT found naturally in many foods. It is found in your NeuraVite though! And in the right amounts too.
Normally, B1 as Thiamine is water-soluble, so it can be lost quickly and absorbed by other agents that pass through us without doing a lot of good.
Benfotiamine B1 is semi-synthetic and exists as both water and fat-soluble. It is absorbed better, especially by nerve tissue, and is harder to pass through without doing some good… that’s why we use it in NeuraVite.
Our brains are mostly a huge collection of interconnected nerves… literally trillions of connections there. So when anything helps maintain those nerve pathways, it just makes sense that it would help the brain as well.
So what’s the takeaway here?

That we all need to take care of our brain as it will likely determine how we enjoy our later years as much or more than our hearts, joints, and other favorite body parts.
If you’re already taking NeuraVite as part of your peripheral neuropathy regimen, here’s your “two-fer”.
Be well.
Yours in health,