Protect Your Brain With Supplements
For years, researchers have suspected that the cognitive decline of aging could be related to the lack of neurologically active dietary factors.
Plainly speaking, that means that vitamins and supplements could be beneficial in warding off the possibly avoidable mental decline known as senile dementia, Parkinson's or even Alzheimer's disease.
Recent Studies Again Tie Metformin to Dementia
Now, a new study of the most popular type II diabetes drug, Metformin, points again to this possibility.
The study, from Taipei University, has determined that a direct link is suggested between Metformin use and dementia. And, the link is stronger the longer the use of Metformin.
It is well established that Metformin reduces the levels of B12 in the body, and this could be the mechanism that relates the drug to dementia. Scary, to say the least, as millions of type II diabetics count on Metformin to control their blood sugar levels.
Blood sugar control is essential in managing diabetes and its downstream consequences.
So, what to do to minimize the unwanted side effects??
Of course it is important to eat right -- or at least better-- exercise more regularly, and live a healthy lifestyle. Now more than ever, we know we need to take the supplements that help insure our optimum health.
The addition of dietary co-factors, including the natural ingredients found in NeuraVite, looks even more important than thought previously.
As more and more data comes in, it is increasingly evident that protecting your body from diabetes and its effects through the use of supplements, is critical to the healthy management of your nerves and brain.
When it comes to Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy, or DPN, the data that was coming in 20 years ago was encouraging regarding the successful treatment with supplements. Now, after 2 more decades, the data is even better.
A guarantee of a better future? Unfortunately, no. But, NeuraVite carries our 100% satisfaction or your money back guarantee. So why not try it?
In Health,
Your Friends at NeuraVite