Peripheral Neuropathy and Cognition

Some recent studies have linked peripheral neuropathy to cognitive decline. Scary, we know.
But as we have warned before, “Don’t confuse causation with correlation”. In other words , just because two things are found together, it doesn’t mean that the are caused by one another.
It is just as likely that, as peripheral neuropathy increases with age, so does cognitive decline. Ok, not such good news there either.
But…. We do have good clinical studies, now across decades, that the supplementation of the nutritional needs of nerves results in better function.
So what about that big bundle of nerves between our ears? It stands to reason that support of nerves anywhere in the body would translate to brain health as well. Alzheimer’s disease has even been considered “Type 3 diabetes” by some researchers.
Perhaps a more practical question for us all is:
Can supplementing for peripheral neuropathy with the vitamins and supplements, including Benfotiamine, found in NeuraVite help lessen the perhaps unavoidable cognitive decline of age?
As usual, more studies are necessary, but common sense gives us an unequivocal YES!
This is especially so when a safe, effective and affordable supplement is right here.
Remaining healthy and active, with good mental health too, is our collective goal.
Yours in health,
Your Friends at NeuraVite