All Natural Relief for Different Types of Peripheral Neuropathy:

Why Once-A-Day NeuraVite Works So Well To Reduce Nerve Pain 

Though millions of Americans suffer from nerve pain (AKA Peripheral Neuropathy) on a daily basis, there are variations of the type of peripheral neuropathy that an individual may experience. In other words, although all peripheral neuropathy is nerve pain, the cause of the nerve pain often varies.  Below, we’ve outlined some of the most common types and causes of peripheral neuropathy, along with the scientifically proven reasons that NeuraVite works so well to bring relief from pain, regardless of the specific cause of your peripheral neuropathy.  

  • Idiopathic
    Peripheral neuropathy stemming from an idiopathic source means that the cause of your peripheral neuropathy is essentially unknown. This unexplained type of peripheral neuropathy occurs most frequently in individuals over 60 years old. Additionally, this variety of peripheral neuropathy is slow to advance, though it may still significantly impact comfort and quality of life.

  • Pre-diabetic and Diabetic
    Pre-diabetes and diabetes are the most common causes of peripheral neuropathy. In fact, 60% of those who suffer from diabetes also suffer from some form of nerve damage, resulting in pain. Peripheral neuropathy affecting those with diabetes, or those at high risk of developing diabetes (pre-diabetics), worsens over time and may ultimately cause muscle wasting in extremities such as the foot and ankle. The effects of peripheral neuropathy resulting from pre-diabetes and diabetes are often widespread, and sometimes severe. In some cases, pre-diabetic and diabetic neuropathy may lead to additional medical complications in the hands, feet, ankles, eyes, and sexual organs.

  • Hereditary
    Two of the most common hereditary causes for peripheral neuropathy are Charcot-Marie Tooth Disease (CMT) and Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsies (HNPP). These conditions affect the motor and sensory nerve networks in the body, which may cause muscle deterioration in the extremities and the lower half of the body. Though it is clear these types of peripheral neuropathy are passed from parent to child through genes, it is unclear in which gene the defect is occurring, making it difficult to prevent.

  • Toxicity and Medication Side Effects
    Abuse of or exposure to certain drugs and toxic substances can also lead to peripheral neuropathy. For instance, exposure to lead, mercury, and arsenic may result in painful nerve damage. Likewise, peripheral neuropathy symptoms may arise as a result of side effects of popular medications. Most drug-related peripheral neuropathy will dissipate once medications have been balanced or changed, however some nerve damage as a result of drug side effects may be permanent.

  • Inflammatory
    Another common cause of peripheral neuropathy stems from inflammatory, infectious, and autoimmune conditions, such as Lyme Disease, Hepatitis B and C, Sarcoidosis, Vasculitis, Celiac Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and many other medical conditions. A variety of these conditions involve temporary or permanent neuropathic pain that is often debilitating.

  • Systemic/Metabolic
    Like pre-diabetes and diabetes, there are other systemic and metabolic conditions that may cause or result in peripheral neuropathy and its painful symptoms. Nutritional and vitamin deficiencies—particularly Vitamin B12—often play a role in the advent of peripheral neuropathy.  Likewise, kidney disorders resulting in decreased kidney function are known to cause painful peripheral neuropathy.

  • Compression
    The most common form of peripheral neuropathy stemming from a compression-related injury or condition is carpal tunnel syndrome. When the body’s nerves become compressed or impinged, it may result in inflammation or traumatic damage, which often triggers the onset of disruptive nerve pain.

Why NeuraVite Helps With All Types of Peripheral Neuropathy

Though there are numerous potential causes of peripheral neuropathy, there is a common treatment that targets nerve damage and pain at its root: NeuraVite. Clinical evidence shows that this once-a-day treatment can meaningfully reduce the painful symptoms associated with peripheral neuropathy. This is because evidence shows that NeuraVite can actually help to repair damaged nerves, thus preventing increased or ongoing nerve pain, all the while providing relief from the pain you’re currently experiencing.  

Teaming four effective nutritional supplements, NeuraVite blends: Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and Alpha Lipoic Acid. No matter the cause of your neuropathic pain, NeuraVite combines these powerful and clinically-proven supplements to not only treat the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, but to also address the underlying damage to the nerve, often reversing the damage, which in effect treats the cause of the pain in the first place. With no harmful side-effects or unnecessary fillers, and no need to take multiple pills each day, NeuraVite is a natural, holistic, and clinically-proven treatment for all types of peripheral neuropathy.

NeuraVite stands by its product, so if you don’t experience relief from your painful neuropathy symptoms, NeuraVite will provide a 100% refund for up to a year following your order.
To try NeuraVite today, click here. To learn more about treating peripheral neuropathy naturally, with just one NeuraVite tablet each day click here.